Jerica Guillory

Jerica Guillory

Jerica Guillory has an insatiable desire to learn the meaning of more and more words. One of her most treasured worldly possessions is her Grandmother's Encyclopedia of Dictionaries (1966). She has fond memories of her Granny saying, "Get the dictionary! Look it up!" Jerica shares her passion for vocabulary enhancement in her very first children's book.

She credits her Mother for her creative spirit. As a child, she watched her Mom excel in a myriad of artistic endeavors. She also spoke Pig Latin and taught her daughters to do the same.

Inspiration for the constantly feuding sisters, Frannie & Tallulah, came from personal experience. Jerica and her OLDER Sister, Brandi, fought incessantly and now... so do their children. When your Mama tells you that you'll pay for your raising one day, you better believe her!

On the audio version of, A Pig Tale, she plays the part of Baby Rose.

Jerica's goal in life is to LOVE & LAUGH as much as possible. She enjoys living in South Louisiana with her amazingly handsome husband and her highly entertaining children.