Ally-Gator Book Bites will take you from the start to finish of completing your book. There are several different stages throughout the entire process. They are as follows:
Signing a contract with AGB
Layout and Design
All authors MUST sign a contract with our company prior to ANY advances being made in the publishing process. Fee does apply.
All manuscripts MUST go through our team of editors. Hourly fee does apply.
AGB does provide a team of qualified illustrators for authors who may need someone to provide artwork for their books. We do our best to match each author with an illustrator that will make their book come to life. Fees are based upon book specs.
For those authors who have already had their book illustrated from an outside artist, there is a separate protocol.
All books MUST go through the AGB designer. During this process, the book really comes to life! Copyright page will be added, text placed on pages, layout for artwork, etc. Hourly fees do apply.
Designer sends final layout to printer. Printer will send the publisher hard and soft proofs for reviewing, prior to printing. Both publisher and author will sign off upon approval. *No changes may be made after this*
AGB works with several printing companies. We obtain all printing costs for the author, according to book specifications, quantities, etc.
Author is responsible for ALL freight charges.
AGB will guide each author in ways to market and sell their new book.
If you are interested in making an appointment with the publisher or have any further questions, click below to contact us!